Frequently Asked Questions for KWRA

Where do I look to find a KW office to be able to refer clients?
  1. Go to the main Keller Williams Realty website, At the top of the page you will see a link to "Find an Office". Click that link
  2. Enter the City and State that your clients are moving to.
  3. A map will show up on the right side of the page with all the KW offices in the city or around that city you are searching, and each office will show in list view on the left side of the screen.
  4. The office will display the Name, Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, and Team Leader/MCA of that office. You will call the TL or MCA and give them the specific type of agent you are looking for to service your clients.
  5. You will fill out a KW Referral Form (click the link to download) and send it to the TL once all information has been discussed, and have them sign off on the referral and the amount that you will receive once the sale is closed.
  6. You should stay in contact with the agent you are referred to until the sale is closed.
How do I get all of my Technology set up with KW?

Click the link below, put in your mykw user name and password and you will be directed to the section of KW Connect on the "How To's" to set up all technology.

How to Get all of my technology set up with KW